Saturday, July 25, 2009


Life has been completely crazy..

School has been alot of work lately, and I feel like I never have enough time to do my school work..

I simply miss my little brother, seeing Anthony only 6 hours a week is hard knowing that he is in the hospital is hard... this past Thursday Anthony got his transplant.. and it was probably one of the most amazing things I have witnessed... it took only 10 minutes to put the blood-cord cells into his little body.. but just imagining what those cells are going to offer Anthony in the future is so unreal.. those cells give him a future and cure him of his HLH and give him a chance to live life..

yes this week has been hard, yes everyone has cred out to God asking for pain relief for Anthony... yes we would all love to be a family and for all of us to be in the same house rather than have to be at the Hospital...

But God has a plan and knows what he is doing.. and for right now we are making it....