Monday, December 19, 2011

burned out

I officially am the worlds worst blogger!
Life has like always been crazy!
It has been amazing and hard all at the same time!
I finished my first semester of Grad school! it was soo hard and amazing at the same time. geese! I am ready and excited for next semester! then summer semester..then I am have one year left! 2013! woot

ha...anyways PP's is going well it has been interesting lately to say the least.

I have wondered that last couple days why I want to go into a profession that works with people..why didn't I just go to school and study for a job where I would not have to deal with people constantly...I am in anti-people mode as of lately! yikes! I think I am going through a mid-twenty's crisis...

It is hard to constantly make sure you say the right thing, make sure that nothing you say offends people, it's hard to act perfect because when you crack and you allow your human side to come through it burns you in the ass... I know why there are boundaries and rules, I know why there are structures in place... it is a family environment.. it is hard where to draw those boundaries and to show love..

I do not think this will be a problem when I am a counselor, it is harder when you live and breath the same air everyday, in an out... I am burnt out and I need a break! I will be the first to admit it....

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